Getting Around the Chrome Browser

Please drop me a line if you have a question or would like me to discuss training in your district. email Randy
Shortcuts and Navigation Keys
(shortcut keys are great for when you are using chrome during a presentation)
Start using some of these shortcuts to really become a Chrome Ninja! (Firefox and IE use some of these as well)
(sub command key for Mac)
Ctrl+L = Instantly takes you to the address bar
Ctrl-N = Opens a new Chrome window
Ctrl-H = Opens History
Ctrl-J = Opens your Download Menu (never lose a file again)
Ctrl-F = Opens Search
Ctrl-D = Bookmarks a site
To go to the top or bottom of a page -If you want to quickly jump to the top of a page, press the Home key on your keyboard. If you want to go straight to the bottom, press the End key.
To Navigate Between Pages - Hold the Ctrl Key down when hitting the back button and you will open the last page in a new Tab but not lose your current page.
Hold the Ctrl Key down while clicking and a link and the link will open in a new page and you will not lose your current page.
Ctrl+T = Opens up a New Tab | Ctrl+Shift-T opens up the last tab that was closed | Ctrl-W closes the current tab
To quickly move between Tabs - hold down Ctrl Key and the Tab Key. To go to a certain one hit Ctrl and a number key 0-9 (works for the first nine
You can drag your tabs to put them in any order that you like.
Right Click on a Tab gives you several options - Reload, Dulicate, Reopen closed Tab (if you just closed onee) Pin Tab, Close other tabs, close tabs to the right, Bookmark all tabs
Drag a Tab out of the line and you will open that Tab in a new window. You can also drag it back into the current browser window.
If you want to use the book mark bar make sure that you go to settings and under Appearance show the bookmark bar.
To add a bookmark to the bar, simply drag the favicon of the URL to the bar.
Chuck Norris Tip: To make the bookmarks act like icons, right click on the bookmark and then delete the name and all you have left is the Favicon.
To hide your bookmark bar or bring it back - Ctrl-Shift-B
You can drag the end of the Address Bar to make it whatever length you want to make room for Extensions.
Zoom in or Out - Hold the Ctrl Key while using the scroll wheel to zoom in or out text. You can also go under the settings menu.
Pin Tabs to Top - To pin a tab, just right-click on it and choose "Pin Tab". It will then be on the left of the tabs and be there always when you need it.
Shortcuts and Navigation Keys
(shortcut keys are great for when you are using chrome during a presentation)
Start using some of these shortcuts to really become a Chrome Ninja! (Firefox and IE use some of these as well)
(sub command key for Mac)
Ctrl+L = Instantly takes you to the address bar
Ctrl-N = Opens a new Chrome window
Ctrl-H = Opens History
Ctrl-J = Opens your Download Menu (never lose a file again)
Ctrl-F = Opens Search
Ctrl-D = Bookmarks a site
To go to the top or bottom of a page -If you want to quickly jump to the top of a page, press the Home key on your keyboard. If you want to go straight to the bottom, press the End key.
To Navigate Between Pages - Hold the Ctrl Key down when hitting the back button and you will open the last page in a new Tab but not lose your current page.
Hold the Ctrl Key down while clicking and a link and the link will open in a new page and you will not lose your current page.
Ctrl+T = Opens up a New Tab | Ctrl+Shift-T opens up the last tab that was closed | Ctrl-W closes the current tab
To quickly move between Tabs - hold down Ctrl Key and the Tab Key. To go to a certain one hit Ctrl and a number key 0-9 (works for the first nine
You can drag your tabs to put them in any order that you like.
Right Click on a Tab gives you several options - Reload, Dulicate, Reopen closed Tab (if you just closed onee) Pin Tab, Close other tabs, close tabs to the right, Bookmark all tabs
Drag a Tab out of the line and you will open that Tab in a new window. You can also drag it back into the current browser window.
If you want to use the book mark bar make sure that you go to settings and under Appearance show the bookmark bar.
To add a bookmark to the bar, simply drag the favicon of the URL to the bar.
Chuck Norris Tip: To make the bookmarks act like icons, right click on the bookmark and then delete the name and all you have left is the Favicon.
To hide your bookmark bar or bring it back - Ctrl-Shift-B
You can drag the end of the Address Bar to make it whatever length you want to make room for Extensions.
Zoom in or Out - Hold the Ctrl Key while using the scroll wheel to zoom in or out text. You can also go under the settings menu.
Pin Tabs to Top - To pin a tab, just right-click on it and choose "Pin Tab". It will then be on the left of the tabs and be there always when you need it.